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  • Humber MK II - IV (Bolt action nieuw)
    Humber MK II - IV (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: HUMBER MK II/IV VAN WARLORD GAMESThe British and Commonwealth forces operated a considerable reconnaissance element that scouted ahead of the main armoured force, searching for enemy troop positions and dispositions.…

    € 22,50
  • Imperial Japanese dice (Bolt action nieuw)
    Imperial Japanese dice (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: IMPERIAL JAPANESE DICEThis dice pack contains 16 white dice with red inscriptions, with the famous Rising Sun symbol replacing the 6 on the die!

    € 12,30
  • Italian Alpini Mountain Troops (Bolt action nieuw)
    Italian Alpini Mountain Troops (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: ITALIAN ALPINI MOUNTAIN TROOPS VAN WARLORD GAMESKnown as Le Penne Nere (the black feathers), after the distinctive raven feather in their headgear, the Alpini are the Italian Army’s elite specialists in mountain…

    € 37,80
  • Italian army and blackshirts (Bolt action nieuw)
    Italian army and blackshirts (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: ITALIAN ARMY & BLACKSHIRTS VAN WARLORD GAMESMussolini famously boasted that the Italian army had eight million bayonets standing at the ready. In actuality, the standing Italian army was far smaller than that, with…

    € 37,80
  • Italian Army and blackshirts starter army (Bolt action nieuw)
    Italian Army and blackshirts starter army (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: ITALIAN ARMY & BLACKSHIRTS STARTER ARMY VAN WARLORD GAMESThese highly detailed plastic and metal figures represent soldiers of several arms of the Italian military - the regular army (the Regio Esercito) as well as…

    € 106,25
  • Italian Army Quastatori destruction group (Bolt action nieuw)
    Italian Army Quastatori destruction group (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: ITALIAN ARMY QUASTATORI DESTRUCION GROUP VAN WARLORD GAMESAt the start of Italy’s war, the Italian Army had no assault engineering units designed to take on enemy fortifications. The performance of pioneer units in…

    € 26,95
  • Italian Army weapons teams (Bolt action nieuw)
    Italian Army weapons teams (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: ITALIAN ARMY WEAPONS TEAMS VAN WARLORD GAMESInfantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams, anti-tank teams and light…

    € 16,15
  • Italian Bersaglieri (Bolt action nieuw)
    Italian Bersaglieri (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: ITALIAN BERSAGLIERI VAN WARLORD GAMESHighly trained marksmen and superbly fit soldiers, the Bersaglieri (sharpshooter) were easily identified by their helmets, sporting large black capercaillie feathers. As light…

    € 37,80
  • Italian Bersaglieri starter army (Bolt action nieuw)
    Italian Bersaglieri starter army (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: ITALIAN BERSAGLIERI STARTER ARMY VAN WARLORD GAMESThis Bolt Action starter army provides a great value core to your new Bersaglieri army. Whether you wish to build your light infantry to fight in the Battle of France,…

    € 106,25
  • Italian Bersaglieri support group (Bolt action nieuw)
    Italian Bersaglieri support group (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: ITALIAN BERSAGLIERI SUPPORT GROUP VAN WARLORD GAMESWith typical Italian panache the Bersaglieri, with their helmets sporting the distinctive black capercaillie feathers, were easy to identify on the battlefield. These…

    € 29,95
  • Italian Bersaglieri weapons teams (Bolt action nieuw)
    Italian Bersaglieri weapons teams (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: ITALIAN BERSAGLIERI WEAPONS TEAMS VAN WARLORD GAMESInfantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams, anti-tank teams and…

    € 16,15
  • Jagdtiger (Bolt action nieuw)
    Jagdtiger (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: JAGDTIGER VAN WARLORD GAMESThe Jagdtiger, or Hunting Tiger, was the heaviest and most powerful German tank destroyer of World War II. Based on the Tiger II, the turret was replaced by a fixed casement mounting a huge…

    € 30,60
  • Japanese army support group (Bolt action nieuw)
    Japanese army support group (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: JAPANESE ARMY SUPPORT GROUP VAN WARLORD GAMESThe men of the Imperial Japanese Army were excellent soldiers, with extraordinary devotion to their country and their Emperor. Battle-hardened by years of war in Manchuria,…

    € 29,95
  • Japanese army weapons teams (Bolt action nieuw)
    Japanese army weapons teams (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: JAPANESE ARMY WEAPONS TEAMS (WINTER) VAN WARLORD GAMESInfantry weapons teams are a vital part of any Bolt Action army, providing tactical flexibility for your force. This set includes three types of team to deal with…

    € 16,15
  • Japanese bamboo spear fighter squad (Bolt action nieuw)
    Japanese bamboo spear fighter squad (Bolt action nieuw)

    BOLT ACTION: JAPANESE BAMBOO SPEAR FIGHTER SQUAD VAN WARLORD GAMESAs the Second World War progressed, Japanese forces were pushed back from the territorial gains they had made in the early stages of the war.

    With Allied bombing…

    € 26,95
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Warlord Games is een Brits bedrijf dat tabletop-miniatuurspellen produceert, opgericht in 2007 door John Stallard en Paul Sawyer. Warlord Games is gevestigd in Nottingham, het hart van de Britse miniatuurspellenindustrie, en staat bekend om zijn gedetailleerde miniaturen en strategische bordspellen. De spellen die ze maken, zoals "Bolt Action," "Black Powder," en "Hail Caesar," draaien vooral om historische oorlogsscenario's en variëren van de Oudheid tot moderne conflicten. Elk spel biedt een strategische ervaring waarbij spelers hun legers zorgvuldig opstellen en verplaatsen om tegenstanders te verslaan in scenario's gebaseerd op echte veldslagen en oorlogstechnieken.

De gameplay van Warlord Games is meestal gebaseerd op miniatuurleger-formaten en wordt aangestuurd door gedetailleerde regelboeken die elk aspect van het spel afdekken, van beweging tot gevecht en scenario-opstellingen. Spelers moeten hun miniaturen vaak zelf in elkaar zetten en schilderen, wat een grote hobbycomponent aan het spel toevoegt. In "Bolt Action" bijvoorbeeld, nemen spelers de leiding over troepen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog en spelen ze historische gevechten na, waarbij elke beurt beslissingen moeten worden genomen die strategische en tactische inzichten vereisen. "Black Powder" richt zich op oorlogen uit de 18e en 19e eeuw, waaronder de Napoleontische Oorlogen, en maakt gebruik van realistische regels om de uitdagingen van vroegere oorlogsvoering na te bootsen.

En vanaf nu kun je ook bij Lamar Games Warlord Games kopen! We gaan langzaam maar zeker onze voorraad uitbreiden net zoals we dat met Warhammer en Lord of the Rings hebben gedaan. En net als met Warhammer krijg je ook op de Warlord games 15% korting op de adviesverkoopprijs


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